A SOLID Struggle

Warning: desperate mom ahead.  I need some serious solid-feeding TIPS!  I’d request tricks, but I’ve heard this tactic is frowned upon… Declan is 12 months.  He was formula-fed for this first year.  Around 6 months, I started introducing purees with a spoon, which he was inconsistent about.  Sometimes he’d eat all 4 ounces, other times […]

DEAR HOPELESS #1: My Kids Don’t Clean Up

Before I officially kick off an advice column, I want to give a DEAR HOPELESS subthread and hashtag a shot. If others find me to be as therapeutic and helpful as my peers tend to, I’ll make it more official! 🙂 To kick us off, Brianna tweeted me (@hopelessMAblog) that she has a tough time […]

21 Ways You’re KILLIN’ it.

Ya know, I’m all for the sappy articles that remind moms they’re “good enough” and doing a “good job,” but their intended message of empowerment nearly brings me DOWN to the belief that I’m just achieving the bare minimum when Mom-ing. In fact, if I weren’t particularly sassy and self-confident, I might have forgotten that […]

what’s the best grocery store, price-wise?

I know options vary by location SO I’m near Sarasota, Florida.  My options are Walmart Grocery, Aldi, Publix, Winn Dixie, and that seems to be it (besides CVS and Family Dollar for select purchases). I’ve been shopping at Aldi and I’m such a pro that I can get like $48 worth of stuff and be […]